A story from Meto Selden At this time of the pandemic, every citizen wishes to be of help to their […]
When I smile with friend through the little screen, All I can wish is to greet them with a loving hug
We were almost always waiting for the year 2020, because we would be graduating and there were so many events we were looking forward to. Of course, the farewell picnic and the farewell night but come to think of, will we even have a decent graduation?
Every now and then, let us take a break from reading and listening to the news related to pandemic because the continual reports are exhausting and tiring our mind. Let us clear our mind- stop draining our energy with constant news reports. Detoxification is an essential remedy to alleviate our worries and anxieties.
What is there not to believe and to dream? The vast universe makes the most insane dreams come to reality. We all swim in this ocean made of star-stuff and we drift and dance with the waves. Like the waves of the music we experience highs and sometimes experience the lows and then at some point our music vibrates beyond this world as we grow out of it.