Hi Strangers,

Hope you are staying healthy and happy these days.

Welcome you to Live Now Creating your own Space” 

In a world where all of us are bombarded every day with news and stories that divide and sow fear, we thought we’d set up a small corner of the web to do the opposite: to bring us closer together. We hope we can introduce you to inspiring messages and motivative you with positive energy.

In Live Now, you will find a treasure trove of stories, thoughts, and inspiration that explore what it feels like to live a healthy life. These stories are about people like you who are dealing with the situation in their most unique and mundane ways. They are about journeys of well-being and health. They are about questions of how to live happy, about freedom and how to deal with the negative energy in daily life.

You can expect to see our stories published and our competition on painting and video.

If you have any contributions, questions, or stories, please stop by at our mailbox contact@livenowtogether.com so that we can have a small tea talk.

And as Robert McKee said, “Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world”, let’s build up the power together with Live Now.

Thank you and see you soon.

P/s: An easier way to join this journey with us is click the teen tiny button below to send us a gift of your inspiring story.
