Hope, I could see my philanthropist King with no worries.
Hope, I could see my dynamic leader with a sound day and night.
Hope, I could see all my learners running in the schools and colleges.
Hope, I could see all the busy employees on their daily duties.
Hope,I could see stability in the country’s economy.
Hope,I could see everyone cherishing free hours .
Hope, I could see all the loved ones together.
Hope, I could see everyone keeping safe and healthy.
Hope, I could see less fear in all the people around the globe.
Hope,I could see less domestic violence.
Hope,I could hear the news on the disappearance of coronavirus.
Hope,I could see fewer people playing blame games.
Hope,I could see fewer people running for treatment.
Hope,I could witness the tone of happiness in everyone.
©® Tenzin Wangmo Lepcha
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