When the nation was in chaos and the cries of its people reached the sky

God in disguise, His Majesty and the Government came forth

Forever true became the tales of miracle

Just then the light of the Bhutanese, the sacred sovereign addressed the nation

A new ray of hope and inspiration befell upon the people

And when His Majesty paused a little along the way

With emotion, dedication and love truest in its form,

Rained the eyes of  viewers.

Just then we decided to serve our nation this very time

People old, people young and people regardless of which gender 

Knowing we have the unwavering blessings of god 

 Knowing that His Majesty and the Government is with us

We have something to fight for,

We have something beyond words to live for

Let’s walk this journey, hand in hand and heart to heart

Let’s fulfill our duties as not individuals but as Bhutanese. 

-Tshewang Dorji


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