What if we never met each other?

Even if we met, what if we never talked?

Even if we talked, what if we never got close?

Even if we got close, what if things never started between us?

Even if things started, why didn’t it feel awkward even though I knew all your past?

Even if it didn’t feel awkward, why did we let other people come between us?

Even if other people came between us, we promised each other to make our relationship work and not let anyone ruin everything that we had?

Even if our relationship got ruined and now that it doesn’t feel the same anymore, why are you trying to come back to me?

Why are you trying to come back to me when you know your one call is all that it takes for me to forget everything and go back to you?

Why don’t you just let me go as we know we can NEVER EVER be together?

Why do you still call me when I’m trying my best to forget everything that happened?

Even after killing myself trying to forget you every day, why is it that I still cannot let you go?

I always question myself saying, will I EVER be able to let you go?


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