It was the morning of seventh September around 7 am. I was walking back from the morning study to my room. It was still cold. There were thick rolling clouds above my head while the loose smog rushed gently over my pale skin making me shudder. Just then I saw two little kids on the fence mesh clinging like the last drops of water from the kettle spout. With his funny face the elder boy looked at me and gave me a sheepish smile. He climbed down and walked towards me. His little sister was still struggling to get down. When she saw me, she started shrieking in her rather conspicuous voice. As I went there to help her descend, she warmly hugged me like a koala clutching a tree. I asked them why they were on the mesh and they said they were afraid of the dogs. In the distance my hostel pet dog ‘Pussu’ was barking in his usual tone. I reassured them not to be scared. We walked together and on the way they asked me about the pet and my hostel. 

Though I completely forgot to ask them about themselves, it seems they were about eight and six years old. They were studying in Kanglung Primary School and were from the nearby village. They were in their old and faded uniforms which were not very tidy. The uncombed hair and grubby feet revealed their carelessness about potential diseases and what the society will say about their appearance. I realized how formidable they can be against the judgments.

Just before we parted ways, I checked my back pack with the hope to find something to give them. I can recount my early childhood, how I used to dream of small miracles. With the suspicious look they came to look into my backpack. I knew of their expectation. Well, they were lucky. I had two notes of ngultrum five. I gave them each. It made me very happy to see big smiles on their faces. I told them to do well and study hard. They waved me goodbyes and told me to meet them the next day. 

‘Children’ is not only a plural form of the word child but the actual spring out of the four seasons of our very lives. From the above context we can come to know how innocent and hopeful children are for stuff that they call as miracles. There are new adventures, challenges and games for them going on and learning important skills and sometimes life lessons. We see that the two little hearts are so grateful for the one who offers them Nu.5 each while this has often become a contradiction to this contemporary time where only few people appreciate the less merits. The faith children have towards things is very straight, as in they think a person is good if he has done something good to them and vice versa. Sometimes, the marks that people leave in their young hearts are imprinted throughout their lives. 

So on with their curious minds and excitement, children always look up to people whom they find to be a superhero. In this case, I became the superhero of the two. The children telling me to meet up the next day depicts how excited they were for their next interaction and hoped that the next day would be even better. It shows their pure-mindedness.

My encounter with these two kids was ordinary but for once it reminded me of how different our worlds were. The way we look at things and interpret life is very conflicting. The innocence, playfulness and liberty are utterly beautiful as I reflect on my days as a kid. A lot of things change as we grow older. We ruthlessly transform ourselves with the social obligations. Now as an adult my every day has become very challenging. Each morning when I wake up I think about doing something that will eventually change my life. I think it is not enough to stay idle and live the kind of life I am living today. I look at other people’s lives and often feel inadequate, like their lives are more meaningful than mine. We try to follow the crowd and fit in and out once glowing souls are dimmed all along the way. 

That morning I stumbled across two little kids and though nothing has changed, nothing will ever be the same again.

– Sonam Rinchen (BHUTAN)

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