A story of life and struggles by Ahmee

I was born in 1994 in a nice posh area of Lahore. My family was quite well known in business those days. My father lived his whole life abroad; I was two months old when he left for his life and work in Amsterdam and I remember he came back when I was five or six years old for about a month or two just to visit us. At that time I didn’t know what a father was as I was raised by my mother and grandmother surrounded by my other female cousins. I was twelve when he visited for the second time. During this time, I was mentally disturbed about my sexuality (came to know I’m interested in the same gender (men) when i was around 11) and the spark between me and my father wasn’t good at all. He was rude to me ,used to beat me with rubber pipes, belts and sometimes kicked and punched me because I was out spoken. I asked him for my rights and he disliked me because my voice was not manly and was feminine, which was not my fault because I was raised with only women around me. Whenever he was around, he used to abuse me by calling me “khusra” (shemale). I sometimes laughed at him wondering how someone who had lived his whole life in first world countries could be so narrow minded. He started visiting every year after that and beating and abusing me became a regular thing.

I was fourteen when I started working because he disowned me. I have an unconditional love for animals no matter what and I go above and beyond if it is about animals so I started working with different organisations. I used to study in the  mornings and then work as an animal foster house-keeper (for rescue and tending to injured animals). I used to save money by walking down all the way to my school and coming back. One way was about 6 km walk. Time passed and I didn’t drop my studies or my work because I had to survive any way.
I then got myself registered in an organisation in USA which was the world’s biggest organisation for pedigree cats ( CATS FANCIERS ASSOCIATION). I became the first Pakistani who bred the very first pedigree cat in Pakistan and then I officially started writing a book on cats. I graduated and continued working for injured animals, neglected pets and roadside kills.

I am happy that even though my family disowned me, I got lucky enough to find a room to live in. It was difficult to adjust when I had spent my childhood years in luxury but it was better than being on the streets.

I tried to write as much of my story as I could here. There is a second part to my story of my life and struggles, perhaps we can save that for another day.

Ahmad Ahmee Butt


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