Oh monsieur!
Addiction, they say
A psychological hunger and physical desire,
I crave for you —
I am addicted to you, black mister.
As dark as my soul,
Your aroma, oh monsieur,
Is just as refreshing as a spring day.
As flawless as the moon up there,
Monsieur, nothing is perfect but you.
You are my only one
I am loyal, I am happy and content
With just you, monsieur!
Cold or hot, happy or sad, day or night,
I want you in all seasons,
I need you through all emotions,
And through all the ups and downs
Early in the morning, late at night,
And all the in-betweens
One sip to a whole of you
My hands or my lips on you
With you, I am
The best version of myself,
And my soul is at its healthiest,
And my heart is at ease, complete.
You’re my handsome savior,
You’re my medicine, you help me heal.
Darling, you’re here with me always
You’re my guardian angel.
My birth stone is you, monsieur.
My title is your last name.
My birth stone is a coffee bean,
I am the Caffeinated Tigress
And my monsieur Coffee,
Thank you for helping me survive
Oh Monsieur!
-Thinley Dema
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