Acnes? Too fat? Too thin? Chubby face? Dark complexion? Flat chest? Black spots? Freckles?
The world is filled with demons with beautiful faces and angels full of scars. No one was ever born ugly; they were made ugly by judging their differences. Whatever you are, you are beautiful.
How do you define beauty?
The one with fair complexion, perfect body and perfect face?
Well, yes. That is beautiful but not the only beauty.
Beauty has no definition or characteristics. It depends on each individual- on how they embrace themselves. There is also beauty in imperfection. Beauty is being different and being yourself.
We are never born the same. Every individual has a talent, opinion and a beauty in their own way. People can’t accept that there is beauty in everyone. So, they tend to criticize those who look different. Those who stare and body shame are the ones who don’t know the real definition of beauty.
Society has problems with everything that is different. We should never care about how people see us. We should be our biggest fans and never be ashamed of our scars or structure. It will turn from a scar to a beautiful piece of art. Love and believe in yourself. Don’t be a person that prays to be someone else. Embrace your flaws because today’s caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
– Tenzin Buthi (BHUTAN)
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