Lily was nurtured in the warmth

Of the innermost corner of my heart.

She was fed on the reality of “nothing stays forever”.

Taught and trained to be fearless,

Reassured that it’s okay to change oneself with the changes.

Seeing kids of the 21st century

Fix their eyes on ‘Technology’,

Often did she miss the group plays,

Out on the green fields – under the blue sky.

Like me Lily had a little heart too,

It sank every time it saw a family – sitting together – yet apart.

‘So far, So Long’ makes a difference.

But Hope came flying one day,

It came and freed Lily from her cage.

The little heart of Lily throbbed out of passion,

Holding in it immense happiness of seeing a bit of her childhood in this drastically modern world.

What changed? She didn’t know!

But it was heart-warming,

Until she realized it’s too late.

Too late to remember when did she stopped flapping her wings,

Too late to remember when did she last fly!

Poor Lily, sits warmly inside my heart,

Now uncaged, yet Caged!



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