Imagine a man almost drowning in deep water only held to the surface by a piece of rope he is holding on to. He is beginning to lose his breath and his limbs are giving out but he continues to hold the rope not letting go which is what ultimately saves him from the drowning in deep water. If the man gave in and let go of the rope he would have drowned never to be found again , forlorn and forgotten. Much like this man in the sea of life we must hold on to the rope of hope no matter how suffocating it gets. During the times of disaster, heartache and loss, it can become difficult to believe that life will ever return to semblance of normalcy. The emotions we feel during such life changing moments are important as they represent signposts of our journey. We may feel we are alone or abandoned, like our world is crumbling around us, like we will never get through it. But no matter how devastating the situation we must hold on to hope and try to be optimistic about the future. we should try to find the silver lining in every situation because that is what will keep us going and save us from drowning into an abyss of hopelessness
– Nazneen Zahra (PAKISTAN)
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