What was once a gleaming gown is now stained 

My blouse stinks from sweat that snakes down my back 

A hot steaming shower is what I want to wash down this fatigue

A few weeks ago my body screamed for rest but I didn’t budge 

Now I don’t even feel the prick of needles I accidentally touch

I can barely open my eyes, they haven’t closed for a few days now 

Seeing pillows makes me yearn for an endless sleep and nothing else 

But I move around tirelessly with toolkits and gauze pieces 

I touch hands of hundreds and hold them into mine 

Seeing them clears my clouded mind and thought 

I feel something go weak inside me when I see people crying for their loved ones 

Thorn-like depression hangs heavy in the air 

It might as well prick you if you aren’t in your senses 

But nothing will stop me from moving 

I vow, until my lungs give out

Tshering Yangdon
A nurse’s story 


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