I’m scared,

With fear and tears in my eyes

I look around for comfort but I see only lies

Then I start thinking what is this

Why are all of them so selfish

Is there an escape? I want to be free

Far from these people, life under a tree

But then, `NO‘ a small inner voice whispers

You’re going nowhere do you understand, you stupid?

And then again I start thinking

In my mind, there are lots of things 

What should I do? Stay or Leave?

A chance for myself, should I give?

Inside me Inner voices are shouting and fighting 

Gosh, Waiting for the result is so frightening

Finally, I make my decision

& now it won’t change according to seasons

With a straight posture, smile on my face and rolled up sleeves,

I announce, Yes for last time In myself I want to believe

I don’t want to just exist, I want to live.

From now, I will be living for me, not others

Ignoring the things that bothers

Only following the things that I dreamed

Yes, I want to Live. I screamed.

– Dimpal Thapa (NEPAL)

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