The funny thing about this vast abundant universe which is filled with cosmos, where we are just a tiny beam somewhere lost in the abyss yet very much found is the fact that everything is so connected.

What is there not to believe and to dream? The vast universe makes the most insane dreams come to reality. We all swim in this ocean made of star-stuff and we drift and dance with the waves. Like the waves of the music we experience highs and sometimes experience the lows and then at some point our music vibrates beyond this world as we grow out of it.

A question remains what does the universe asks in return for giving us such a magnificent gift of life. Such wonderful joy of breathing in and exhaling out. For all these emotions we get to play with laughter, tears, anger, resentment, forgiving, empathy, kindness and so much more.

It asks for love.

Love. That’s right that’s what your dreams are made of. In fact, that’s what you are made out of. Now you might see all the hate in the world, all the rapes, murders and all sort of violence and say what about it? Well, how would you know what love is if you never experienced something opposite of it? How would you know what white is if you never knew what black was? How would you know what darkness is if there was only light?

Love asks for only one thing and it’s hard for most of us to do as the world these days have been covering us with security. Security in everything making us lazier and lazier and we like to have things easy. We have access to almost any information on the internet. We do not have to live in darkness anymore because of electricity. No one has to walk for days and nights for there are vehicles of all sorts. Ask, how did this all happen to us? All these inventions we use and which have made our life easier is the product of love. Each scientist each engineer who designed it and did it loved what they did. They loved there work and the put all of their heart in it and we have it now. Love comes in many forms like Alan Watts says “
Think of it as a light that hits the prism and gets divided into seven colors” But each is love.

Now that we have everything we need, we forget. We forget to be grateful for the little things in life. We forget to love. We forget to see the miracles in every second. We forget how wonderful it to breathe. Maybe that’s why we suffer maybe just maybe we need to stop and let go of the pain and sufferings we hold so tightly. Maybe then we will finally find what we are looking for though we don’t even know what we are looking for.

Maybe, just maybe.

Aakash Dahal

Oct 26, 2016 


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