Mental health matters
In times of fear and chaos, I like to look back into the past and think of the good days and memories. Thinking about them gives me a sense of relief and comfort. They remind me that life has given me a fair amount of good times to compensate for the bad ones. They also remind of the bad times and how each struggle, each fight provided me with valuable lessons. I was able to overcome them and I’m stronger because of them. This way, they make me feel hopeful about the future as well because I know that this too shall pass.
I know we have one life but we decide how we live it each day. Not everything in our life is in our control but the way we view and face them is.
Covid 19 is one of the most alarming concerns of the world as a whole. We see and hear the virus spreading all over and at such a fast pace. It has infected so many and consumed so many lives. We know how important it is to wash hands and maintain hygiene. People have also stocked up supplies, groceries and most places are in a lockdown. We have been asked to practice social distancing by isolating ourselves in our houses.
However, we’re human beings and socializing is what makes us one. Hence, one must understand how difficult it is for people to be confined in small spaces without an agency. I’m not trying to say that people should go out and risk being infected or spreading it. However, people who are having a hard time in their place of quarantine should be allowed to feel that way. To each its own. Even with the privileges, people can feel all sorts of negative feelings. Fear and anxiety has built homes in all of our hearts.
So, in times like this, mental health must also be prioritized equally. Different people have different coping mechanisms. Hence whatever you find best for you to feel better, you do that and let others do that too. As long as we are being mindful about others and not doing anything that can cause harm to others.
You matter and your mental health matters as well. So speak it out. All your feelings. It’s okay to feel all that you are feeling. You’re not in this alone. Social distancing doesn’t mean that you can’t rely on somebody for support or help. Listen as well. To people who are trying to reach out to you. Take this time to be there for yourself and people around you.
We’re in this together and we’ll overcome it together as well.
Regita Gurung

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