Natsagdulam.S, National coordinator, Health student, Mongolia

These days have been very productive and busy for me. First of all, it is fun to be close to your family, to go for a walk with them, to walk in the mountains, to talk to them about new things. Second, I work part-time, read books faster than before, do my homework online, and exercise with my sister for 10 minutes every morning. I also plan to do more in the future to improve my language skills, as the quarantine period is likely to be extended. We are also exploring how to do Y-PEER related works online.

List of positive results of this quarantine:

  1. I didn’t waste my money. So I learned to save money
  2. I realized that I could have fun with my family
  3. Quarantine cares about my health
  4. It takes me a lot of time to read a quarantine book
  5. I learned a lot using social media and the Internet.

Tergel.J, Alumni of Y-PEER Mongolia, medical social worker at Bayanzurkh health center, Mongolia

As a cell of the Medical sector, there are a lot of positive results that have shown nowadays. For instance, as my medical response in COVID-19, I regularly use face masks when I visit the grocery stores or take a walk on the street. It also helps to reduce influenza and influenza like illness, not only COVID-19. 

As citizens of Mongolia, we feel the importance to keep this country safe. The government is relocating people at high risk of the pandemic and giving them treatment and analysis for free. 

During the long quarantine, I have been doing my English lessons 1-2 hours a day. I regularly use face masks and eat healthy food. I am also doing yoga twice a week and it helps to maintain my body flexibility. I am familiar with technology such as Zoom meetings and any other IT instruments. 

Bayarmaa.O, Medical social worker at Youth friendly clinic, volunteer at Y-PEER Mongolia 

In lockdown, I have read several books of SRHR and poetry. It empowers me and my perspective. I have learnt more about LGBTQI and human rights issues. It helps me understand how people are different and diverse. 

Khulan.O, National trainer at Y-PEER Mongolia

I do online classes during quarantine. In the past, when I was studying at home, I couldn’t concentrate at all, but now I study for hours at a time. We also have fun at home and exercise together. We also started a challenge to read books and walk in the mountains with our friends.

Nomin.G, Peer educator at Y-PEER Mongolia

I have been trying to build a healthy lifestyle. Honestly, I like reading books and watching documentaries on the Discovery channel and trying out new food recipes. I obviously have been doing what I enjoy the most. I feel this quarantine period has given my family time to reunite and gather everyone under one roof. I recommend people to stay home, maintain your house. We are all in this together, there is nothing that can hold us back.

Oyuntulkhuur.M, Peer educator at Y-PEER Mongolia, alumni of Govi-Altay branch 

Luckily, I have been able to lose weight during the quarantine. As a result of a lot of hard work, I have been exercising every day since January and now I have lost 4.5 kgs. I’m also learning to play the guitar. I started writing stories of 3 generations above me. 

Erkhembileg.B, National trainer at Y-PEER Mongolia 

During the quarantine, I learned to read 2 hours a day, exercise for 45 minutes, and plan all my daily activities. I get up early every morning, run for 30 minutes, schedule a business meeting every day and prepare online training. It’s been 3 months since we stopped fizzy drinks and spicy food. I also started eating healthy. I try to move forward little by little every day and use this period of quarantine effectively.

Khicheengui.B, Volunteering at Y-PEER Mongolia

My name is Khicheengui and I am 16 years old.  I’ve been developing myself every day since COVID-19 came out and I’m very confident. My ability to speak English is improving. Stay close to your family and help them have a fun day. 

Murun.Ts, Peer educator at Y-PEER Mongolia 

In the last 4 months I found new talents and I have altered my wrong lifestyle. For example I now do exercise, read books, improve my skills and I have cured my ailing by this time. Also this quarantine is so boring but I have done some things which i didn’t do before. 

Amirlan.O, Peer educator at Y-PEER Mongolia 

After I was placed in solitary confinement, I began to study diligently on my own.  Since then, I have been studying alone, even though I have erroneous scores.  I also ran every morning, exercised regularly, and became more self-conscious.  I’m also learning to do everything I used to think that I couldn’t do.  My family relationship has grown stronger and closer. I learned to do everything I could at home because I felt that I needed to work harder to keep my efforts, even when I was confined.  And because I was so thin, I was able to gain a little weight.  Make sure you don’t miss out on anything, even at home, do them without being lazy.

Alzakhgui. B, Peer educator at Y-PEER Mongolia

During quarantine, I do e-learning in a timely manner, read the books I want to read, and memorize new words to improve my English. I also get up early in the morning to take care of my health, run and exercise.

Tuguldur.Ts, national trainer at Y-PEER Mongolia 

Multi-level marketing business worked because the commodity market survived the economic crisis. Not just a sales business, but a communication, leadership and influence business. Leadership Skills, Sales Skills, Influence Skills, Communication Skills, Personal Branding, Career, Personal Planning, Not only in Finance and Personal Development, Not only in Health, but also in Lifestyle Changes, Financial Education, and Stock Market Knowledge. The advent of the coronavirus has led young people to adopt a healthy lifestyle. 

Angella Kim, volunteer at Y-PEER Mongolia 

During the quarantine period, I have been doing some meditation daily. It helps me relieve stress and improve my wellbeing. And lately, I have been reading books and sharing my opinion on social media. I recommend everyone to keep a clean environment, stay home for the most part.


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