|| Reminder to self: Lockdown 3.0 edition ||

Even if everything fails:
You will find a job again. For now, focus on staying alive.
You will get that interview again. For now, focus on your mental health.
You will get the opportunity to collaborate again. For now, focus on talking to people who make you feel safer, not the ones who drain your energy.
You will get to be productive 24/7 later. For now, take as many naps as you need.
Take frequent breaks. Pausing when you need to is not a weakness.
Even though it’s been a year, lockdown is still not a competition to learn a new skill, get better at anything, start a new DIY business, or be productive. Focus on surviving. Prioritize your mental health. Focus on you. Always. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

– Niharika Mainali (Nepal)

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