The silence between us
The silence between us;
You aren’t asleep,
I too am awake.
You have a few songs left unsung: you want to sing it, you want me to listen to it
But here you are numb, quite.
Numb; as if you don’t know how to sing,
Quiet; as if you have never written any songs for me.
My pen just stopped bleeding
You know I wrote something for you
I know that you know I wrote poetry for you, but you won’t bother to ask me to read it for you,
maybe you want me to read without asking,
But here I am numb, quiet.
Numb; as if I have never inscribed my love for you
Quiet; as if I want you to ask me to read it for you.
You smiled,
I joined you by curving my lips,
You are scared to break the silence,
I too am scared to trust the fortune again,
But here we are numb, quiet.
Numb; as if we don’t know how beautifully something starts and how bitterly it ends.
Quiet; as if we don’t know that this silence between us will kill the ”us”,
Us; you and I.
– Prapti Manoj Dhodari (NEPAL)
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