I could have left you, moved forward and hang around with some other guy

But I knew I’ll never find anyone like you, EVER.

I decided to stick with you forever

Forever, because you were always there to scold me when I do something wrong like a father,

To annoy me but care for me at the same time like a brother,

To love me, accept me the way I am and support me in all my decisions like a boyfriend,

To share all my feelings without any fear like a best friend,

To fight with me and argue with me in small things all the time like an enemy,

But still let me win all the argument at the end like a thoughtful boyfriend would do,

To cheer me up and dance with me whenever I sit in corners questioning my existence like a perfect dance partner,

And FINALLY, for always having my back in almost all the situations like a soulmate.

I said to myself that if I’m getting everything in one single person then why would I even think about anyone else?

But then again, the reality hits me, hits me really hard,

Reminds me that we can NEVER be together FOREVER

And all of this can be true only in fairy tales and my life is NOT a fairy tale.



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