Staring at yourself in the mirror
Got no idea what to do
You see the picture of you
That you can’t even adore
You see every part of your body
And hate the way you are
As you’re in search of the beauty,
The world is looking for
You feel hopeless, unloved
Thinking why it’s so unjust
As you feel you don’t look pretty
Even when you try so hard
Trying on every fancy cloth
Putting on make up
Still you feel like on you
Something’s not being matched.
Doing this over and over
You want the so called beauty to appear
But why don’t you realize that
Your flaws make you stronger
So dear you, there are eyes,
Those who see the real beauty in you
The beauty that is limitless and worthy
That doesn’t need make up and still keeps you pretty
Forever and ever as it lies in your soul.
And there’s no need to feel hopeless, unloved
As you are a beautiful creation of God.
Work on the immense beauty in your soul
Worthless beauty standards, they make you a fool
– Barsha Thapa (NEPAL)
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